Meet the Team - Tania Davison

How long have you been working at GWAHS?
Altogether at this service I have been here for about 24 years and the past 3 years whilst it has been GWAHS.

What is your current role at GWAHS?
Care Coordination worker under the ITC program.

What made you decide to join our team?
I have always been passionate about Aboriginal health since I was young. My parents and other family members worked at Redfern AMS as Health workers when I was a Child. So I have been around Aboriginal Health most of my life. I got to know the importance of our mob looking after and understanding their health.

What do you do in your role ?
I arrange appointments for our patients and coordinate transport, apply for funding if a client can’t afford the cost of an appointment to see a Specialist. If a client is recommended for any Medical Equipment, I will also apply for funding for them so they are able to receive whatever they require. I phone and remind patients of upcoming appointments and send them an apointment reminder letter. I have been assisting with any Chronic Disease workshops that we have at Gwahs,etc such as the Diabetes Clinic.

What is the best part of your job?
Working with my mob and most of all my Community where I live and have been raised. I love hearing from our clients that they are appreciative of what I have done or can do for them.

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