Wellington Aboriginal Corporation Health Service is on the land of the Wiradjuri people.
Wellington Aboriginal Corporation Health Service (WACHS) aims to empower targeted Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to take control of their individual, family and community health and wellbeing needs through the community controlled model.
WACHS is an Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service offering a Primary Health Care Service and an Integrated Care program, supported by 4 FTE Doctors, as well as a number of specialist clinical staff and AHW’s, a Specialist Programs Unit incorporating Social & Emotional Wellbeing, Child & Family Support, Drug & Alcohol, Aboriginal Family Health, Aboriginal Local Support, a Healthy for Life (H4L) Program, Maternal & Child Health Worker, Aboriginal Health Workers, Youth Health Worker and Dietitian targeting Maternal & Child Health and Chronic Diseases, regional programs including Australian Nurse Family Partnership Program, Aboriginal Children’s Therapy Team, Tackling Indigenous Smoking Program, as well as a Human Resource / Financial Management section.
WACHS has also moved into supporting other regions through open tender process, which has resulted in the organisation taking on operational management of Moree Aboriginal Residential Rehabilitation Service, and more recently the addition of Aboriginal Primary Health Care services covering Western Sydney, Penrith and the Nepean Blue Mountains. Supporting all WACHS services and programs is a Quality Improvements Program, which incorporates consistent best practice processes across the organisation.
WACHS is a not-for-profit organisation that provides specific health and specialist programs to support clients/patients in addressing their health, wellbeing needs and issues in a culturally appropriate way. As well as providing these specific health related services, our service endeavours to provide self-determination and empower Aboriginal people in Wellington, Dubbo, Moree, Western Sydney, Penrith, Nepean Blue Mountains, as well as other towns and communities through our regional programs to take control and responsibility for their health and well-being.