New WACHS Specialist Board Members

Joe Coyte
Tell us a little about yourself
I’m a proud ‘Country Boy’ who was born in Lithgow, and then lived in Tamworth, Glen Innes and The NSW Central Coast as a kid. I have been on the NSW Central Coast since I was 13 to this day.
I had a happy childhood with my Mum and Dad and 3 siblings (even though we didn’t have much material things). I then lost my Mum to cancer when I was 12 and the effect that had on myself and my family was massive. I think this event has played a huge role in how I have raised my family (I am happily married with 3 kids aged 13, 16 and 18) and also the direction my career took as I have worked in Drug and Alcohol Sector since I was 20 years old. This happened as I was lucky enough to meet a man named Cyril Hennessy (who started The Glen Centre for Men) and he gave me an opportunity. I have since tried to learn as much as I can, and I also try to teach others if I think I can add some value or offer some help.
Why did you nominate to become a board member of WACHS?
I have always liked the style of people and Mob from this country. I have spent some time in Dubbo and Wellington for work and personal purposes over the years and I have meet plenty of great people from this area. There is also many Mob on the NSW Central Coast where I live.
What do you think you will be able to bring to the board and the organisation?
I think there is so much good amongst some obvious challenges, and I try and be a solution focused person and help where I can. The skills I have developed over the years regarding my work at The Glen, The Glen for Women and also the accreditation work with many AMS over NSW means I feel I have some skills and knowledge that can help.
What are you looking forward to the most?
I love testing ideas, I love meeting people, I love yarning and I love eating (all sorts of food)
Stephen Hirst

Tell us a little about yourself
Hi my name’s Steve, I’m married to Toni (who must be the most patient person in the world) we have 5 adult children between us. Toni and I have travelled and lived extensively throughout regional NSW due to my work, which has been with Fire and Rescue NSW for just shy of 40 years. My current role is Area Commander of Regional West which covers the majority of the State. We enjoy getting away in our Campervan as much as possible and adventuring to new places. Although I grew up in Sydney my maternal Grandfather was born in Wellington in 1910.
Why did you nominate to become a board member of WACHS?
We have put down roots in the Dubbo Area (Wongarbon). I have been looking for a community-based organisation to become involved with; by chance I saw the WACHS advertisement in the local paper and the opportunity immediately caught my interest.
What do you think you will be able to bring to the board and the organisation?
I believe that I have a sound understanding of effective governance and probity in the Government sector as well as Treasury budget allocations for Capital and Recurrent funding.
What are you looking forward to the most?
The reward of being a board member that offers both challenges and opportunities to positively influence the health service delivery strategies for the indigenous people and communities of New South Wales.
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